Hooray! Welcome to West Rock Apparel Co! I am so happy you found us. We are currently busy preparing to launch our first collection of natural, neutral, minimalist, wardrobe essentials for your babes and kiddos!
So, you're here because you want to figure out how to dress your little ones in natural fibers and modern minimalist designs that will stand all the tests of kid life, right? Well you've come to the right place. Follow along as I get into how I'll help you with that. I'll also be sharing about our mission, our fabrics, and our designs with some fun printable freebies mixed in the next few posts.
Make sure to sign up here to be on our waitlist. You'll want to be the first to know about our plans to launch and other behind the scenes details of our brand.
For now, I'll leave you with 5 fun facts about me so you know who's writing to you...
1. I am a mom to 5 kiddos ages 1, 4, 6, 8, and 10! They are my inspiration behind this brand.
2. I went to college for studio art, painting specifically, and was able to pursue that career for a number of years before switching gears and going into fashion.
3. I never lived anywhere longer than 4 years until I got married. We've now lived in our home for 13 years! Crushing that 4 year record!
4. My favorite food is Thanksgiving dinner. All of it. And I LOVE cooking it!
5. I live in New England, but do not like the winter months. I'm a warm weather girl at heart.
Send me an email and tell me one fun fact about you! Can't wait to hear from you.